Basic Overview
Recruitment zone: Europe
Kinsmen limit: 45
Officer limit: 8
Current Kinsmen: 5
Current Officers: 1
Anyone who passes the first screening checks of his/her application or is invited to join Thenid Gwenyr will undergo an initiation period. These initiates will be introduced to the kinship by the Recruiter and are expected to try to interact with kinsmen as much as possible during their initiation period. These initiates are free to participate in kinship events, provided there are still spots open, but do not benefit from kinship discounts and/or crafting assitance.
The Recruiter decides when the time is right to pass judgement, upon which the initiate in question will either be denied entry or accepted as a true kinsman. The initiation period will last one week on average, but this could be much shorter or longer depending on the decision of the Recruiter and how easily we expect to pass judgement at the end of the initiation period.
An initiation ceremony is held on the day that an iniate is accepted as a true kinsmen. This will likely employ form of role-playing, in which participation is entirely optional. Afterwards there should be plenty of partying and perhaps some fellowship hunting.
Anyone who wishes to become one of our kinsmen has to read, accept and abide by our Code of Conduct. After doing so, one can either opt to start a topic on our designated forum area, or send a mail to Aeroth in-game with the following information. (any starred (*) information is required! The rest is optional, filling everything in will weigh in your favour)
Basic Info
- Name: (* - at least your first name!)
- Gender: (*)
- Age: (*)
- Country: (*)
- Email: (*)
- Availability/Activity: (*)
- Voice-communication capable: Yes/No (*)
- Codemasters forum name:
- Xfire name:
- Skype name:
- MSN contact:
Detailed Info
- Character Name: (*)
- Character Class: (*)
- Character Race: (*)
- Character Gender: (*)
- Character History: (as in: the lore behind your character! - certainly not required)
- Level: (*)
- Vocation: (*)
- Previous Kinship(s): (*)
- Reason for Applying: (*)
- Gaming Experience:
- MMO Experience:
- Favourite Games:
- Bartle Test Result: (e.g.: SEKA, 100% Social, 70% Explorer, 55% Killer, 20% Achiever)
- Preferred Play-style: (e.g.: powergaming, role-playing, PvE, PvP, social, exploring, etc.)
- Your Expectations:
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