Wednesday 24 January 2007

Ranks & Awards

A kinship is nothing without kinsmen, but it also requires proper leadership if it is to function. In order to differentiate between kinsmen and those who assist Thenid Gwenyr beyond ordinary membership we have implemented a system of Ranks and Awards.


Ranks are our means of distinguishing between the leadership of Thenid Gwenyr and it's members. Within our kinship, kinsmen can opt to take on further responsibilities and become part of the leadership if they so choose and the current leading kinsmen agree. Additionally, people who are admitted into our kinship are initially known as initiates, which distinguishes them from the actual kinsmen of Thenid Gwenyr.
  • Initiate - a new recruit who has not yet been fully admitted into Thenid Gwenyr.
  • Kinsman - a true Thenid Gwenyr kinsman.
  • Officer - a dedicated kinsman who has opted to take on further responsibilities for the good of the kinship. This includes the kinship leader & founder Aeroth.


Awards are granted to those kinsmen who perform special deeds in service of Thenid Gwenyr and their fellow kinsmen. These awards are generally intended to promote active, open and fun adventuring within the world of Middle Earth.
    Kinsmen can nominate fellow kinsmen for awards, upon which a voting round amongst kinsmen or officers will determine whether this awards should be bestowed upon the kinsman in question. An award ceremony will be held in honour of the kinsmen who have earned such a prestigeous gift.

  • Badge of Sociality - an award handed out to those members who keep the kinship lively with their entertaining and helpful banter.
  • Cross of Dedication - an award handed out to those who've shown extreme dedication in their support for the kinship. (this award can only be earned by officers through hard work for the good of Thenid Gwenyr)
  • Entertainer's Star - granted to members who've proven to be the life of the kinship upon adventures.
  • Kindred Ribbon - awarded to members who've been with the kinship for a month.
  • Kindred Badge - awarded to members who've been with the kinship for 3 months.
  • Kindred Cross - awarded to members who've been with the kinship for 6 months.
  • Kindred Star - awarded to members who've been with the kinship for a year.
  • Kindred Spirit's Mark - awarded to members who've been with the kinship for two years.
  • Leader's Cross - given to those members who can frequently be found organising successful fellowships, raids and/or events.
  • Recruiter's Badge - this award is handed out to those members who have referred a sizeable amount of our actual members (not initiates!) to the kinship.
  • Mark of Violence - an award granted to members who've proven to be unusually active and successful in PvP play.
  • Ribbon of Ingenuity - handed out to those members who you'll frequently see crafting items for kinship members at a sizeable discount, or even for free.
  • Ribbon of Creativity - granted to the members who come up with the most successful means to keep the kinship entertained, other than mere PvE and PvP play.
  • Star of Activity - an award handed out to those members who seem to participate in nearly every event and always be online and participating in kinship matters. (This award cannot be earned simply by being online or present, one will have to show ones activity in guild matters (forming fellowships, talking in Kinship chat, participation in events))
  • Token of Membership - a token handed out to anyone who passes the initiation period and becomes a fully-fledged member of the kinship.
  • Kinsman's Ring - granted to those members who succeed in acquiring many different Awards.

Notes on Awards:

  1. Kinsman/kinsmen can be read as kinswoman/kinswomen if appropriate. Our kinship is not limited to male characters or male players.
  2. It has not yet been determined whether or not actual in-game rewards will be linked with acquiring awards, but we are currently leaning in that direction.
  3. The award ceremony will naturally be accompanied by plenty of partying, socialising and music - we'll try to find a suitable location to organise these. Additionally, these ceremonies will likely involve some degree of role-play, albeit optional..

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