Friday 26 January 2007

The Command Structure

A kinship requires a proper command structure if it is to function, as such Thenid Gwenyr has devised it's own unique means of organisation. Due to Thenid Gwenyr's rather unconvential nature, not opting for a massive memberbase and gearing itself towards enjoying all aspects of LotRO gameplay in our very own manner, we'll be utilizing a rather unusual command structure.

Overall Operations

Thenid Gwenyr knows a single overall leader who is responsible for overall operations of the kinship. This leader is followed by a second-in-command who can take over in his absence. These two will function as the guiding entity in the decision making process and will assist all officers in their tasks. Essentially they'll be the forefront of our kinship, attempting to keep everything together as the kinsmen enjoy their time playing together and the other officers each do their thing. Note that both the leader and second-in-command are frequently reffered to as officers within Thenid Gwenyr.
A number of officer positions are open for dedicated members. These officers are more involved in the decision making process, frequently being included in even the minor details if they so choose. Additionally, each of these officers will assume responsibility for a specific set of tasks, as described further along in this document. In absence of sufficient officers to fullfill all roles, the current kinship leader and his second in command will assume responsibility for the tasks of any open officer roles.
The lifeblood of Thenid Gwenyr, the kinsmen themselves, are ordinarily left to play as they please, within the bounds of our code of conduct. This means that you will not be forced into the decision making process within Thenid Gwenyr if you do not want to, a kinsman can opt to merely play with his fellow kinsmen (and kinswomen) without being bothered with any of the organisational details. Any kinsmen who wish to be more involved in the decision making process can make this known to the current officers and they'll be placed in a semi-officer status of sorts.


As it stands we know several types of decisions - and each is handled differently:

  • Long-term - these are generally issues such as what kind of colour our cape (if there is such a thing in LotRO) should be, what kind of event should be organised next week & which raid encounter to do next. These decisions are made by the whole of the kinship and any kinsmen has a say in them through means of a poll upon our forum. Note that this will not be available during beta, if any of us make it in, due to a binding NDA.
  • Mid-term - a decision that aught to be made relatively efficiently, but isn't immediately urgent. This would include whether or not an iniate should be allowed to enter the kinship - and would also include changes to code of conduct or kinship operations. These decisions are mostly handled by the officers by means of majority votes. Semi-officers can opt to participate, but all votes will have a relatively short timespan.
  • Short-term - a near split-second decision, or anything that is an urgent issue. This would include the means of punishment for violating our code of conduct or providing instructions prior to a difficult fight. These are ordinarily left to specific officers to handle themselves, although some might be handled by any present officers and semi-officers by means of a voting round.

The current kinship leader has the right to overrule any decisions made in this manner if it is to maintain the kinship as it was intended to be, but will ordinarily never do so. As it stands we're a largely democratic kinship, which allows it's kinsmen to decide it's future in many ways, but only if they choose to be involved. We're a very open kinship that remains true to it's prime directive and this reflects in our means if decision making.

Officer Positions
  • Diplomatic Ambassador - our Diplomatic Ambassador maintains our relationships with other kinships. He/She will work together with the Event Manager to organize inter-kinship events, as well as take charge of trade negotiations between our kinships. Similarly, said Diplomatic Ambassador will strive to resolve any potential issues between Thenid Gwenyr and any other kinship in order to maintain our good public image.
  • Event Manager - will be in charge of inventing and organising new events. He/she will take charge during most events - in his/her absence another officer will take over. The Event Manager will ensure that kinsmen can evaluate previous events, as well as assist in the planning of future events.
  • Internal Matters - this officer will be in charge of resolving internal issues between kinsmen. If there is the need for any kinsmen to speak anonymously about the kinship or fellow kinsmen, then the Internal Matters officer is available as someone who will strictly keep ones anonimity.
  • Master Crafter - the Master Crafter ensures that crafting is well-regulated within our kinship and any less experienced crafters are properly assisted. He/she will take charge of regulating crafting assets within the kinship and attempting to provide kinship crafters with their required materials. Additionally, this officer will organize hunting parties, should the need to acquire very specific items ever arise and he/she will regulate crafting utility storage and provision.
  • Master of Assets - is tasked with managing all kinship assets, such as any voice communication tools, online forums, chat channels, etc. He/she will also regulate any on-going trade within the kinship, such as equipment provision (crafting materials excluded).
  • Recruiter - an officer who attempts to recruit new adventurers and introduce any initiates to the kinship. He/she will determine when an initiate should be examined, upon which said initiate will be accepted or rejected through a means of voting amongst officers or the entire kinship.
  • Second in Command - an officer who holds much sway within Thenid Gwenyr is the Second in Command. This kinsmen has taken up the responsibility of assuming command whenever the leader is indisposed and will be his most trusted advisor.

Officer Duties

These are the duties of all current officers, regardless of their position:
  • Attempt to rally any online kinsmen towards playing together. This can be through questing, acquiring craft resources, or simply gathering and having a good time.
  • Will assume leadership positions in fellowships or raids, unless he/she finds a kinsmen who would prefer to assume this role.
  • Actively participate in any on-going discussions regarding kinship operations on the forums and always attempt to vote for within any open polls on said forums.
  • Will refer anyone who wishes to join to the currently active Recruiter.
  • Strife towards keeping the peace within our kinship, should problems ever arise, in absence of the Internal Matters officer.
  • Will strife to assist any kinsmen with their problems or quests. Officers are expected to be fairly knowledgeable about the world of Middle Earth and share this knowledge with their fellow kinsmen.
  • Do not consider themselves above any other kinsmen, for they are not. An officer is a kinsman who has taken responsibility for a certain role vital to Thenid Gwenyr's functioning.
  • Will assist fellow officers in their duties if necessary.

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