Friday 26 January 2007

Prime Directive

Thenid Gwenyr cares greatly for the playing experience of it's kinsmen - and as such as devised a prime directive, which is the main goal this kinship will keep in mind during any decision. We shall strife to play according to our prime directive and as such create a more enjoyable experience for not only ourselves, but any adventurer within our realm.

The Prime Directive

Thenid Gwenyr's prime directive is to enjoy LotRO in the fashion that beta tester kinships do. One could call it the 'Beta-style' of playing, which can be considered a more open, less serious and more varieing playing experience. Here are a couple of pointers that should indicate what this entails:
  • Rather than attempting to become the most succesful kinship, or to strife to overcome all struggles at any cost, Thenid Gwenyr will aim for an enjoyable playing experience above all.
  • Kinsmen will not be forced into playing a particular race, class or role to benefit the kinship. Instead any kinsman can play however they wish and Thenid Gwenyr will adapt around that.
  • Instead of spending countless hours discussing battle plans and tactics, Thenid Gwenyr will have a 'let's go and do it' mentality. From our viewpoint it's better to try, fail and have fun, then to plan, win and be bored.
  • As a kinship we will enjoy all facets of LotRO gameplay. We'll attempt to experience everything LotRO has to offer, be it PvE, PvP, role-playing, crafting, socializing, minigames, exploring, whatever. Although role-playing will play a more minor role within our kinship and is additionally entirely optional.
  • We'll attempt to stick together in fellowships and raids as much as possible throughout our playing time. This doesn't mean you always have to be out with kinsmen, but rather that we'll strife to play together more than most kinships do.
  • In contrast to kinships in other games, we'll attempt to be a very public kinship. We won't keep ourselves away from the world in some secluded area of our own, but rather invite random players along in fellowships or raids and try to meet new interesting people, even if they aren't kinsmen or allies.
  • There will be none of the overly democratic hassle in Thenid Gwenyr. If a quick decision has to be made, there's a leader and/or an officer to make that decision. On the other hand, kinsmen do have a great deal of influence on less immediate decisions, but only if they so choose!
  • None of the grinding or leveling pressure of hardcore raiding or PvP kinships. We prefer more active kinsmen, but there are no hardcore activity requirements such as 6 logins every week or 2 raid participations every week. Similarly, participating in raids will not give you a significant advantage towards earning any special item - mere overall activity and proper kinship-participation will.
  • No two-hundred member behemoth - and no severe restriction preventing you from bringing in your favourite alternative character! We'll be sticking true to the smaller scale model of kinships - allowing for better bonding between kinsmen and less gaming pressure, while allowing members to have up to three seperate characters in the kinship.
  • Initiates will be evaluated on how they fit into the kinship first and foremost. We won't enter someone into Thenid Gwenyr simply because he/she is a good player, but rather because he/she is great to play with!
  • Plenty of fun weird activities: rather than being out hunting or mining all the time, we'll be certain to spend a lot of time coming up with other inventive means of staying entertained. Expect plenty of parties as we'll celebrate kinsmen's birthdays - and if so desired: their character's birthdays too! Yarr, that's up to 4 birthday parties a year!
  • No hardcore limits on ages or gender. It's impossible to determine who someone is and how enjoyable it is to play with them by looking at their age or gender. As such we'll evaluate each case seperately - and will value maturity and good character. Therefore we could very well accept a 14 year old girl and deny a 37 year old man.

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