Tuesday 23 January 2007

The Events System

A kinship is more than just a gathering of people who play a game together. A kinship is a community, a true assembly of players who do not merely play a game together, but rather have a good time together. It is not a group of friends who play a game, rather it is a place where friendships are forged and explored.
    To this end, Thenid Gwenyr has devised a system of events that will serve to keep everyone entertained, beyond mere gameplay. These events will not only serve to bring the kinsmen of Thenid Gwenyr (and their potential allies) closer together, but also to provide fresh things to try in those times where new content is scarce. A means of keeping everyone entertained and interested, regardless of what Turbine opts to do in terms of on-going patching and expansions upon the world.

These events differ in terms of accessibility. The bulk of events will be kinship-only, which means only kinsmen and their direct invitees can attend. However, Thenid Gwenyr will also organise alliance events and even public events. While not nearly as often as kinship-only events, these should serve to bring our kinship closer to our allies and the very community itself.
    We hold our events so dear, that we'll even have a dedicated officer in charge of developing new events and organising them. Additionally, an award has been reserved for those kinsmen who prove to be successful event designers, entitled the Ribbon of Creativity.

Thenid Gwenyr distinguishes between two types of events: planned and spontaneous events.
  • Spontaneous Events - are those events that are organised on the spot. Whenever there are enough kinsmen out in the field and someone comes up with an idea to do something, whether this be undertaking a difficult quest, vanquishing a powerful foe, playing tag, or heading off to distant lands does not matter much. All of them fall under the category of spontaneous events. These will largely be organised by the kinsmen themselves - and officers are encouraged to try to get kinsmen to participate in these frequently.
  • Planned Events - are those events that have been carefully planned in advance. These tend to be more challenging events - and tend to be run somewhat more professionally, having been prepared by our event manager. These will be announced well in advance - and usually kinsmen will have a large influence on the kind of event that will be organised next.

Currently running ideas for events are as follows:
  • Exploration Run - Heading out with fellow kinsmen to explore new area's in the world of Middle Earth. This can be a directed quest (searching for specific locations) or just random roaming to see the sights.
  • Hunt - A kinsman runs out into the wilds (within a designated area) as fellow kinsmen follow in pursuit a few minutes later.
  • Mining Expedition - An invasion of a certain area in order to find resources for the crafters within our kinship. This is not limited solely to mining, as wood gathering, farming and the like are also encouraged.
  • Monster Hunt - The kinsmen head out to vanquish an especially strong foe. This can be in the form of raids or fellowships. This might also be varied into the annihilation of a specific race of evil creatures, such as Orcs.
  • PvP - The bulk of Thenid Gwenyr kinsmen heads out to wage war in the distant lands where player-controlled monsters roam. With well-organised attacks our kinship will attempt to vanquish our foes swiftly and effectively whether it is as a hero of righteousness or one of Sauron's foul minions.
  • Raids - The raiding of area's intended for such undertakings.
  • Tag - A game of tag.

(Note that none of these are quite as concrete as they might be currently, because LotRO is still in closed beta and we have yet to experience the pleasures of what LotRO might have to offer when it is released)

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