Friday 26 January 2007

Basic Overview

As you'll find out from reading through the pages on this website, Thenid Gwenyr is a rather unique kinship. In order to give you a good idea as to what we're about, it's advised to read through the short overview of our kinship below as well as our Prime Directive. Enjoy!


Name: Thenid Gwenyr
Meaning: True Kinsmen (Sindarin language)
Games: The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar
Region: Europe
Forum: none yet
IRC channel: none yet
Voice over Net: none yet

Further Details

Kinship Size: Small - Medium.
Gameplay: Will participate in all aspects of LotRO gameplay: PvE, PvP, raiding, socializing, exploring, role-playing, mini-games, etc.
Role-playing: Takes up a minor role in Thenid Gwenyr and is fully optional. Kinship chat and voice-communication will largely be OOC.
Recruitment: Largely invite based, but will accept applications for joining as well.
Raiding: Will not be taken as seriously as it is in most kinships in other games. We're out there to have fun - and as such kinsmen will not be expected to log in every other day to participate in raids for rare items, when we could actually be having a good time..
Style of play: Thenid Gwenyr is likely most suitable to players who are interested in a Social experience, rather than any form of Achievement. This does not mean we will not do our best in any endeavour, but rather that we will not go out of our way to win at any cost, especially not at the cost of fun gameplay with good friends from all over Europe.

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