Friday, 26 January 2007

Code of Conduct

Any Thenid Gwenyr kinsman has to accept and abide by our Code of Conduct. This is a set of simple, usually even obvious, rules that aim to make gameplay more enjoyable for the whole of our kinship - and the realm we'll be participating in. The Code of Conduct is seperated into two entities: the actual code and the overall kinship guidelines, one is a code of how to behave, whereas the other is more of a set of actual rules.

Code of Conduct
  • Kinsmen will maintain respect for any individual they meet within the world of Middle Earth and any affiliated areas (LotRO forums, chat channels, etc.).
  • Kinsmen will attempt to always construct proper and meaningful sentences and do not regress into 1337-speak or the likes. This does not mean every sentence has to be written in impeccable English, but rather that chat should not turn into 1337-speaker's-heaven.
  • Kinsmen will always strife to keep chat amongst themselves friendly, rather than instigating hostile arguments.
  • Kinsmen will assist any kinsmen or ally in need, whenever feasable. This includes assisting in quests, answering questions and providing monetary or equipment assistance.
  • Kinsmen can opt to sell their items to fellow kinsmen, but this should always be at a minimum of a 30% discount compared to when one were to sell said item to any non-affiliated adventurer. We understand that kinsmen have to make a living as well - and as such we do not obligate kinsmen to provide these items for free, the 30% discount is a minimum courtesy however and should not deterr one from sharing their items within fellow kinsmen.
  • Kinsmen will respect and adhere to the command structure as it is established within Thenid Gwenyr.
  • Kinsmen will never resort to utilizing any form of racial, sexual or verbal abuse under any circumstance towards another player. Note that references towards hatred between in-game races and/or sarcastic commens in regards to in-game racial traits are not considered racial or verbal abuse, provided this is done in limited manner!
  • Kinsmen will never break the EULA or any form of agreement with Turbine and/or CodeMasters. Therefore kinsmen will never utilize any third-party-tools that will give them an unfair advantage to others either (this would be any form of exploiting, gold-farming (with intent to sell), hacking or cheating).

Kinship Guidelines
  • Kinsmen are to be named properly in-game and on our forums. Offensive, racist, abusive, lore-breaking, wellknown people's names or 1337 nicknames will not be allowed. Therefore a name such as Fatal1ty, Legolis, James Bond or B000 are not allowed - whereas names such as: Aerinth, Bluesummer, Jessica & Zaerus are. (we are actually rather lenient in this and we'll notify you if your name is inappropriate for joining our kinship, which is ordinarily not the case)
  • Kinsmen can have up to three different characters enter in Thenid Gwenyr. These characters can be of any gender or race.
  • Kinsmen are European and possess a decent understanding of the English language. There are no age or gender restrictions in place, although we do prefer adventurers of ages 16 and up.
  • Kinsmen will abide by our Code of Conduct and Kinship Guidelines.
  • Kinsmen may not be part of another kinship in the same realm of LotRO.
  • Kinsmen will actively participate in the kinship forums and gameplay. A failure to report in either way for a full a month will result in banning, unless Thenid Gwenyr was properly notified in advance.

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